Big wide city all to ourselves

I have survived my first week in London with no tube related disasters. GO ME! I don't know if the novelty if living in such a big city ever wares off, cause each day is better and better down here. 

Even in the rain LDN is too nice too look at. 

I have also survived my first week as an intern, which has consisted of running about a lot, meeting lots of new people and of course making a few cups of tea for my boss. Standard. My first ever day was complete with a visit to the Vogue offices, and as the week went on I got to visit more magazine offices like Never Under Dressed, and oh my god these places ARE SO COOL. I got to know loads of the collections from the designers who Felicities represent and made some PR calls, computer work and general little jobs! A pretty successful first week. 

I didn't realise how sleepy working full time made you, but luckily I have the bestest roomie ever so when we got home at night it is all fun and food. My faves. Living with your friend is literally the best thing, constant hilarity, especially when they are as funny as Chloe. 

Luckily I managed to get myself a transfer from Topshop in Aberdeen to the Canary Wharf store! I'm gonna be working there on Wednesday's as Felicites said I could have a day off to fit in Topshop. Aka a few hours on a weekday meaning I get some extra dollllas but more importantly I get to keep my staff discount card. Amaze. So for the first time in forever I have FREE weekends. Free weekends in London. Is that not just the best thing EVER?!  

The Canary Wharf views en route to work are a LOT nicer than those around Topshop in Abz. 

Naturally having no work at the weekend, I ended up at the shop. Ooops. I was surprisingly controlled and had the best time just exploring! 

1 of the best places ever.

Another 1 of the best places ever. What can I say, I love a department store! 

Week one, DONE. A chilled Sunday night is just what I needed so I'm ready for weeeeek 2! I am super excited because on Wednesday 2 of my fave fashionistas join me and Chloe in our wee flat and ITS GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN and I will definitely be blogging it all!

Ailish x 

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