Fate loves the fearless

So I'm blogging from LONDON TOWN! 2014 has started with so much excitement.. I have moved all the way to London, living with my besest friend from uni, Chloe and I've started an amazing internship with a fashion PR company Felicities

I would have never never ever imagined that I would get myself an exciting internship and move to London. OK, I would have imagined it, but never in my wildest dreams would I think I actually would. But now I am, it's literally one of my dreams come true! Hard work totally pays off (CRINGE) and I am SO excited for my LDN adventures over the next 3 months.

I am gonna blog my whole time here so expect lots of OOTD posts and general updates on life in London. Excuse the lack of outfit photos in this post but it's been a crazy few days dragging suitcases full of our stuff, hopping on and off tubes and starting our new internships we literally haven't had time, so here are a few snaps I've taken so far! ♥ 

Oh hey Big Ben my new neighbour. 

First night out in London Town!

LDN you so pretty. 

Who would've thought the first day at my internship would've taken me here! 

Ailish x

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